Creating, managing, and deleting your RoscoLive Installer app account.
Account Creation
The RoscoLive Installer app requires an account to log in and access. If you already have a RoscoLive account, you can use those credentials to log into the installer app. If you do not have a RoscoLive account, you can create an Installer account by tapping Sign Up on the login screen.
From there you will be taken to the Create A New Account page where you will enter your information and check if you are MECP certified.
After all of the relevant info is entered, tap the CREATE button to create your account. A verification email will be sent to the email address you provided during account creation. This email will also contain a temporary password that you will use on the first time logging into your account. After logging in we highly recommend you change this password to something more memorable for you by going to your user settings and changing the password there.
After logging in, you will be taken to the Company Key page where you will enter the company key for the company you plan on installing cameras into.
Account Settings
You can adjust or make changes to your account by visiting the Settings page in the app. After logging in, if you tap on the silhouette icon at the top right a menu will appear. Tap on Settings to open the Settings page.
The Info section contains all your contact information you entered during account creation. To edit this info, first tap on the pencil icon towards the top right of this section.
This will allow you to edit any of the fields in this section. After you are done making changes, simply tap the Save button that appears in place of the pencil icon. You will see a success message to let you know your changes were saved successfully.
The bottom section of this page is where you can change your password. It is recommended you change your password from the first time password to something more memorable to you after your first time logging in. Simply enter your current password, then enter the new password and re-enter it to verify it is correct. When finished, tap the SAVE button that appears to the right of the section header.
After successfully changing your password, you will be logged out and taken back to the login page to log in with your new password.
Delete Account
If you no longer have need for your Installer account and wish to delete it along with the data associated with it, you can do so in the user Settings page. To delete your account, tap the Delete Account button located towards the bottom of the Info section on the page.
Your information for installations already completed will still persist for those installs.
You must confirm that you wish to delete your account by tapping the Yes button on the next screen.
After tapping Yes, you will be logged out and taken back to the login screen. Your RoscoLive installer account is now deleted.