How Do I Replace My DV6 Camera?

Replace your DV6 camera or move your DV6 from one vehicle to another using the "Replace" option

If you need to replace the current DV6 camera in your vehicle with a new one, or you simply need to move the DV6 camera from one vehicle into another without losing the event and trip data associated with it, you can use the Replace option in the RoscoLive add-in.

The Replace feature is not available for DV4 cameras.

You can find the Replace option by clicking on a vehicle name in the Camera Admin page of the RoscoLive add-in.

When doing a Replace, you can change the vehicle info or camera info without losing any of the information or events associated with the vehicle on RoscoLive. There are two options to choose from when doing a replace:

  • Different camera in the same vehicle
  • Putting same camera into different vehicle



If you are replacing a camera with a new one in the same vehicle, then they will select the first option. If you are taking a camera out of a vehicle and re-installing it into a new vehicle, then you will select the second option.


We strongly recommend performing the hardware install before performing the Replace on RoscoLive.

When performing a Replace, do not use the Installer App to "Install". Instead perform the installation without the app and then use the "Calibrate" option in the app to verify installation of camera.


After completing the replace, the new information will be shown for the device and from that point on, all camera data will now contain the new information. All previous data will still remain available for the standard amount of time for the previous device or vehicle.

For a "Different camera in the same vehicle" replace, the new camera will be sent the configuration for that camera from RoscoLive after replace is performed from the add-in.