Installer App - v2.9.0 Release Notes

All of the items and features we released in v2.9.0 RoscoLive Installer app.

✨New Features

Ooh, shiny! Here are the new features released in v2.9.0:

Vehicle Measurements for ADAS We have introduced ADAS events for the DV6! We have added a new section in the installation where vehicle measurements are taken to calibrate ADAS functions in the camera.
Harness Installation Instructions We've now added a menu to select what type of harness installation is being performed during installation. After selection, instructions will be shown on how to perform the installation for the selected harness.
Channel 3 Activation The DV6 camera is now capable of supporting an additional 3rd channel! We have added an option during installation to enable this channel if it is being used.



There's always room for improvements! Here are the improvements we made in v2.9.0:

  • Removed snapshot requirement for CAN if CAN selection is None
  • Removed CAN selection confirmation modal and IMEI reminder screen
  • A warning message is now displayed after user session expires
  • Continue prompt added for when user session is about to expire
  • Removed Select Device menu screen
  • Added minor styling adjustments and improvements

🐞Bug Fixes

Ew. Here are the bugs we squashed in v2.9.0:

  • Fixed issues with BLE and Geolocation services on some devices
  • Fixed screen being stuck at loading phase on Installation Screen for some iOS devices