RoscoLive v2.32.0 Feature Snapshot

A look at whats in RoscoLive v2.32.0!

🛠️Improvements & Updates

Vehicle & Groups Status Panel on Home Page

The look and feel of the vehicle and groups list on the Home page has been updated.

Fleet Activity Status

First thing at the top you will notice is a new set of statuses called Fleet Activity Status.

    These statuses show the number of devices across your fleet currently in those states.

    • Driving
    • Parked (aka Parking Mode)
    • Offline
    • Disabled

    Vehicle Groups List

    Below the Fleet Activity Status you can see the list of Groups and vehicles. 

    The Groups now display the name, total number of devices in the group to the right of the name, and the statuses of the devices within that group.

    The groups first start collapsed, to view the vehicles in the group, click anywhere in the group card to open the group drawer. Now you should see all of the devices in that group.

    The section above the list can be used to search and sort the list in different ways. To search for a specific vehicle, just enter the vehicle's name in the search bar and the list will narrow down the results based on the entry.


    The Sort By options change the way your vehicles are ordered in the list. The options to sort by are:

    • Group - Sorts the vehicle list by grouping the vehicles according to the Group they are in. This is the default.
    • Name - Sorts the vehicle list by grouping the vehicles by name according to the first character in the vehicle name.
    • Status - Sorts the vehicle list by grouping the vehicles by their current status.

    You can further filter and sort the list by clicking the Filter icon that is to the right of the Sort By field:

    Vehicle Info & Event Pane

    When clicking on a vehicle in your list, instead of the information pane appearing on the right of the screen, it will extend to the right out of the Vehicle Groups list. This still has the same information as it does now, some things have just moved around.


    At the top is still the vehicle's status and information. Clicking the gear icon will take you to the Edit Vehicle page for that vehicle. The 3 icons from left to right below the vehicle information are: Live Stream, Custom Video Request, and Trip Replay.


    Below that is still the list of events for that device, but more options have been added to help filter and sort the list of events as well as list and snapshot viewing modes.

    An event with the option "view" means there is a snapshot and/or video available for viewing. Clicking on it will open the event video player or snapshot viewer on the map page.

    An event with the "request" option is an event with the "alert only" video upload option selected. Clicking on this will automatically make a custom video request for that event.


    At A Glance Dashboard Update on Vehicles Page

    We've also updated the UI of the "At a Glance" dashboard to the Vehicles page.

    Full Screen Events

    The event video player will now have the option to view events in full screen when using the emphasis video player mode.